
“As a business owner in Hermantown, and a lifetime resident of the Twin Ports, I can appreciate the concern to pass all three initiatives in Hermantown. Being a multi-sport athlete in high school made me more competitive and a team player and I carried that with me into being a successful business owner. I am also an ambassador for living a healthy lifestyle. A renovation to the park, extension of the trails, and arena expansion would make it more exciting and incentivize people of all ages to get active!! More activities in Hermantown will also help businesses grow as well! VOTE ALL THREE”
- Mathew (Bert) Berthiaume

“We live in a great place that has gotten this way by engagement focused on community improvement. This half percent sales tax shared with the area’s population, will assure our community’s progress. A journey that we all must continue to pursue and support.”
- Randy and Marlene Bowen

“For the last 35 years, our kids (and now our grandkids) have benefited from the generosity of this great community of Hermantown. What a wonderful opportunity to “Pass It Forward “ to our current and future Hermantown families by supporting this Community Recreation Initiative. WE’RE IN!!!”
- Rick and Debi Francisco

“Voting yes will provide the opportunity to extend and enhance the outdoor recreation options that we have in our community. Also, supporting both the renovation of Fichtner park and the hockey rink addition will deliver a more reliable and better experience for our young athletes and busy parents.”
- Patrick and Jodilyn Miner

“A healthy community is a vibrant community. The 3 components of the Community Recreation Initiative would enhance the overall healthiness of Hermantown for our youth and adults of all ages. I’ll be voting yes for all 3 components this fall, and encourage you to consider doing the same.”
- Bob Swanstrom

“This initiative is all about our children and future generations. My wife and I moved to Hermantown because of those very opportunities. Sports and recreation raises healthier children, teaches them life lessons about hard work, sportsmanship, putting others above yourself and how dedication and effort leads to desired results in life. The facility upgrades not only impact our children, but will lead to a healthier Hermantown community, compounding on the pride of living here and being a part of the contribution Hermantown students go out and give to the world.
My grandfather, Chet Tomassoni, knew the importance of these facilities and believed so strongly, he volunteered years designing and building two hockey rinks out of almost all volunteer labor that positively impacted communities for generations. My father, Dave, recognized the value so much, he dedicated a major part of his life and career working to keep and improve the very facilities this initiative seeks to provide. If that kind of commitment, dedication and knowledge exists in our history, it should be apart of our present and our future. And the best part is, there is no risk here, we know if we invest in these things that it works. It’s worked throughout history and will work for future generations. I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of this community and to watch my kids grow up here, and hopefully, have them hang a few banners in this town too.”
- The Tomassoni Family

“A well-planned community gives residents and businesses the best chance to succeed, create economic stability, and new opportunities for its citizens for generations. The Hermantown Area Chamber of Commerce recognizes that Hermantown Community Recreation Initiative is good for business and supports this initiative as an important investment in our community.”
- The Hermantown Area Chamber of Commerce – the voice of business.
Let's Play Together
We support this project
Wyatt Aamodt
Ryan Abernethy
Tanya Abernethy
Joseph Acker
Ryle Acker
Leslie Adolphson
Rosemary Adolphson
Sophie Adomaitis
Eric Albrecht
Karissa Albrecht
Beverly Allison
Erica Amborn
Reid Amborn
Douglas Amys
Amy Andrews
Scott Andrews
Patrick Andrews
Sara Andrews
Jammie Anick
Grant Arntson
Lindsey Aubol
Shawn Aubol
Michelle Aysta
Nathan Aysta
Brendan Baker
Elli Baker
Justin Baker
Ronald Bartlett
Frank Bartsch
Jen Bartsch
Matt Baumgartner
Shawn Beauduy
Chena Beauduy
Matthew Becks
Christopher Benson
Delaney Benson
Bruce Bergh
Blake Biondi
Joseph Biondi
Kelly Biondi
Jared Blomdahl
Toni Blomdahl
Megan Blum
Rex Bordson
Eric Borndal
Katrina Borndal
Nicholas Boucher
Wayne Boucher
Marlene Bowen
Randy Bowen
Ryan Braaten
Melissa Bradley
Russell Bradley
Jason Bramstedt
Dean Brickson
Lonni Brickson
Melissa Buck
Nathan Buck
Ken Buck
Rebecca Ballou-Buck
Joseph Bugliosi
Natalie Bugliosi
Scott Bullyan
Daniel Bullyan
Amy Callaway
Mark Callaway
Jason Carlson
Melissa Carlson
Joan Carlson
Morgan Cekalla
Gregory Chesley
Matthew Christy
Rachel Christy
Jon Clauson
Jacob Clemons
Laura Costley
Erin Cox
Trisha Crace
James Crace
Daniel Critchley
Monique Critchley
Thomas Crossmon
Jim Curtis
Darcy Danelski
Corey Danelski
Dane Della Rossa
Megan Della Rossa
Nichole Dorn
Kipp Duncan
Nicole Duncan
Benjamin Ehle
Jason Eikam
Cindy Ellefson
Darrin Elstad
Rick Elstad
Michael Emerson
Jen Emerson
Donald Engseth
Amber Erickson
James Ericksen
Stephanie Ericksen
Anna Estep
Jennifer Esterbrooks
Jon Esterbrooks
Hayden Evjen
Kielo Evjen
Cory Fairchild
Michelle Fairchild
Justin Filzen
Lisa Filzen
Audra Flanagan
Glen Flanagan
Conrad Fox
Laura Fox
Mike Fox
Bridget Francisco
Jonathan Francisco
Debra Francisco
Rick Francisco
Gregory Fredlund
Rebecca Fredlund
Douglas Freeman
Linda Freeman
Steven Freeman
Gary Gilbert
Terry Gilbert
Tamera Gilbertson
Gary Gilbertson
Nathan Glockle
Dan Gotz
Toni Gotz
Darian Gotz
Eric Gotz
Kristine Graves
Michael Graves
Kevin Gray
Heather Grothe
Neal Grothe
Douglas Gulden
Jane Gulden
Katie Gunderson
Mark Gunderson
Nicholas Hacker
Julie Hanson
Steven Hanson
Brenda Hanson
Brookelyn Hanson
Gregory Hanson
Scott Hanson
Brent Harju
Krista Harju
Nicole Harriman
John Hassett
Grant Hauschild
Grace Hauschild
Brittany Hedley
Travis Hedley
Cory Heitzman
Meridith Heitzman
Daniel Heitzman
Jennifer Heitzman
Richard Helmer
Bradley Hested
Shalayh Hested
Stacy Hill
Crystal Holden
Dave Huttel
Terri Huttel
Chad Huttel
Kaitlin Huttel
Alyssa Huttel
Grant Huttel
Jesse Jacques
Douglas Janzig
McKenna Janzig
Nancy Janzig
Patti Jenkins
Richard Jenkins
Jeff Johnson
Anna Johnson
Shawna Jokinen
Kyle Jones
Willis Kantonen
Catherine Kaups
Michael Kaups
Jamie Keye
Stephanie Keye
Amy King
Matthew King
Bryan Kivi
Mary Kivi
Marissa Klingeisen
April Knapp
Bernard Knapp
Allison Koepke
Cole Koepke
Trisha Kohanski
Noel Kohanski
Kenneth Kolquist
Rikki Kolquist
David Kolquist
Diane Kolquist
Corey Kolquist
Whitney Kolquist
Peter Krause
Joan Krause
Paul Krause
Andrew Krause
Jenna Krause
William Krause
Erin Kukowski
Nathan Kukowski
Andrew Lane
Ana Lang
John Lang
Jenny Larson
Scott Larson
Lindsey Lasky
Samuel Lasky
Debra Latuska
Walter Latuska
Jamie Latuska
Michelle Lavalley
Nathan Lavalley
Shawn Lavalley
Brian LeBlanc
Drew LeBlanc
Alanna Lee
Justin Lee
Scott Lindvall
Dustin Lucarelli
Jennifer Lucarelli
Alyssa Lucas
Connor Lucas
Jill Lucero
Steven Lucero
Jason Lukovsky
Tami Lukovsky
Andrea Mahnke
Lee Mahnke
Heather Malmstrom
Jason Malmstrom
Cole Manahan
Sean Manahan
Amber Manion
David Manion
Marlene Manion
John Marchand
Anne Martalock
Joshua Martalock
Hank Martinson
Jenifer Martinson
Caroline Mathison
Christyn May
Justin May
Britt McAdamis
Michael McAdamis
John McAdamis
Cara McClincy
Matthew McClincy
Heather McDevitt
Mike McDevitt
Brian McDonald
Lisa McDonald
Jamie McDonald
Paul McDonald
Mary McDonald
Christopher McLaughlin
Sarah McLaughlin
Kelly McNamara
Britton Mellin
Gregory Mellin
Jennifer Mellin
Hailey Menzel
Kyle Menzel
Paula Menzel
Rachel Menzel
David Mesojedec
Kaela Mesojedec
Melanie Mesojedec
Walter Michelizzi
Cory Middleton
Desiree Milbridge
Jay Milbridge
Jodilyn Miner
Patrick Miner
Robert Morgan
Jamie Morgan
Carol Muehlbauer
John Muehlbauer
Robert Nading
Daniel Nash
Lindsay Nash
Jamie Nelson
Erik Nelson
Jeannette Nesseth
Tanya Nichols
Brant Nicklin
Kelly Nicklin
Robert Noldin
Danielle Noldin
Kimberly Noldin
Steven Noldin
Kathleen Wild Olson
Marty Olson
Stacey Olson
Jack Olson
Luke Olson
Elizabeth Paczynski
Jess Panichi
Roger Pelawa
Douglas Peterson
Robin Peterson
Katie Peterson
Ross Peterson
Elliott Peterson
Emma Peterson
Erik Peterson
Natalie Peterson
Joshua Peterson
Tim Peterson
Sandi Peterson
Steven Peterson
Craig Peterson
Griffin Pfeiffer
Jennifer Pfeiffer
Cheryl Pillsbury
John Pillsbury
Nathan Pionk
Neil Pionk
Nate Pionk
Kiera Pionk
Derek Plante
Kristin Plante
Frank Postal
Jennifer Prom
Scott Prom
Sandi Pruse
Steven Pruse
Brandon Radovich
Nicole Raukar
Peter Raukar
Kelly Reinking
Ryan Reinking
Jalyn Reynolds
Jenna Reynolds
Thomas Reynolds
Cari Rizzi
Kyle Rizzi
Chris Robbins
Amanda Robbins
Chad Ronchetti
Kara Ronchetti
Garlynn Rosandich
Shannon Rothe
Timothy Rothe
Amy Rother
Joshua Rother
Tim Rust
Betsy Rust
Dylan Samberg
Eric Sams
Shannon Sams
Jamie Sams
Mark Sams
Scott Sandelin
Wendy Sandelin
Katie Sandstrom
Christine Sawyer
Michael Sawyer
Donald Sazama II
Stephanie Schirtzinger
Kristi Schmidt
Brian Schmidt
Elisa Schmitz
Joseph Schmitz
Scott Schulz
Cheryl Sega
Thomas Sega
Layth Seyala
Emily Sharrow
Ryan Sharrow
Alisson Shea
Kevin Shea
Kimberly Shingler
Scott Sinner
Lori Sinnott
Paul Sinnott
Gina Skopinski
Michael Skopinski
April Skorich
Sydney Skorich
Troy Skorich
Brad Skytta
Susan Skytta
Daniel Smith
Jill Soderholm
Bob Somers
Jill Somers
James Sonneson
Tracy Sonneson
Amanda Soumis
Jesse Soumis
Nathan Soumis
Noah Soumis
Peter Soumis
Jacob Spencer
Danielle Stanich
Richard Stanich
Susan Stephenson
Jesse Stokke
Kara Stokke
Michelle Sturm
Robert Summar
Cynthia Sundstrom
Timothy Sundstrom
Kirk Suonvieri
Nicole Suonvieri
Robert Swanstrom Jr
Angela Swenson
Todd Swenson
Mary Tafs
Bradley Tafs
Eric Tessier
Derek Thomas
Rochelle Thomas
Victoria Thomas
Jace Thomas
Kelli Thomas
Michael Thomas
Brandon Thorsvik
Laura Thorsvik
Mark Thorsten
Donna Thorsten
Amy Tornquist
Jacob Tornquist
Joeleen Torvick Hacker
Brandy Unzen
Robert Unzen
Michelle Vesel
Joanna Warmington
Don Warmington
Gary Warmington
Christian Wasbotten
Andrea Wetmore
Trent Wetmore
Wayne Whitwam
Tanya Wick
Brian Wilson
Jamie Wilson
Andrea Winans
Ronald Winans
Aaron Winkelman
Amy Winkelman
Jasen Wise
Rachel Wise
Micki Wojtysiak
Scott Wojtysiak
Marc Wollak
Melissa Wollak
Kylie Zacharias
Michael Zagelmeyer
Justin Zembo
Rochelle Zembo
Alexis Zotti
Robert Zotti
Tristi Zotti
Tylor Zotti
Zachary Zotti